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Management Board


Oskar Skiba

Oskar Skiba has been Chief Financial Officer of ORLEN Deutschland GmbH since August 2018 and is responsible for Supervisory & Management Board, Business Controlling, Customer & Partner Services, Finance & Accounting, Taxes, Legal, Compliance and Data Protection as well as Procurement.Skiba has over 30 years of management experience. He studied at the University of Szczecin, the University of Economics in Poznan, the University of Bayreuth and in postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. He worked for over 15 years in management positions in banking, including in Germany, and for several years in the aviation, transport and medical sectors. He has worked on the boards of banks and other companies. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​


ORLEN Deutschland
Kurt-Wagener-Straße 7
25337 Elmshorn
Tel: +49 [0] 4121 / 47 50 - 0
Fax: +49 [0] 4121 / 47 50 - 4 30 00