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Player sponsorship: THW Kiel captain Patrick Wiencek amasses €100,000 in donations


Elmshorn/Kiel, 19 February 2023 – With his 64th goal of the season, Patrick Wiencek has made history by scoring in the 47th minute of the home game against ASV Hamm-Westfalen. The THW Kiel captain has reached the donation mark of €100,000. In a unique player sponsorship, THW’s main and jersey sponsor ORLEN Deutschland has donated €100 to the paediatric cancer ward of the University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) for every goal scored over the past ten years in the Bundesliga by the former national player. 

The sponsorship of Patrick Wiencek by ORLEN Deutschland to benefit UKSH is an extraordinary measure in German sport: Since the 2012/13 season, Wiencek’s goals have been counted, and donations have been made annually, with the Elmshorn-based company, which operates nearly 600 star and ORLEN petrol stations across Germany, always rounding up the donation total. With his 814th Bundesliga goal, the 33-year-old has now reached the €100,000 donation mark since the sponsorship kicked off.

“This amount is truly incredible. I would have never imagined back in 2012 that the campaign would bring in so much money for the sick children. And of course, it not only makes me proud that I can benefit THW Kiel with my goals, but that I can also do great things for the kids together with ORLEN. Assisting the paediatric cancer ward, headed by Prof. Dr Gunnar Cario, and helping all the staff and young patients is incredibly close to my heart. And I hope that I can continue to help support their work and the children by scoring lots of goals,” says Patrick Wiencek. 

The donated funds will support the University Hospital’s sports and exercise programme. In the past, for example, it has financed the facilities for the fitness and equipment training rooms. The aim is to provide young patients with a playful escape – filled with mobility and activity – from everyday hospital life. “The sponsorship deal between Patrick and ORLEN Deutschland is unique because of Patrick’s years of scoring goals coupled with OLREN’s financial support. In the past and to this day, it has enabled us to plan for the long term and has made the setup of the sports and exercise programme possible for our young cancer patients,” says Prof. Dr Gunnar Cario (Deputy Director of the Clinic for Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine I Department Head of the Paediatric Oncology Unit, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel Campus). A cheque for €11,111 was most recently handed over to the UKSH in October 2022.

Even after reaching the €100,00 donation mark, the player sponsorship will continue, staying true to its donation of €100 for each goal scored. In addition, the sponsorship was extended at the start of the season to include four new THW playersBen Connar Battermann (2 goals scored to date), Luca Schwormstede (2), Henri Pabst (1), and Philip Saggau (goalkeeper). Every goal they score for the professional team is also awarded with a €100 donation. In this way, ORLEN Deutschland, as the official partner of THW’s youth programme, emphasises its commitment to the youth and youth sector of the Kiel Zebras. The aim is to support and promote talented players on their path to professional sport. 
THW-Kapitän Patrick Wiencek erzielt das historische Tor_(c) Sascha Klahn_neu.jpg 
Image: Patrick Wiencek scores the historic goal in the home game against ASV Hamm-Westfalen. Every goal scored by the THW Kiel captain has been rewarded with a €100 donation from ORLEN Deutschland for over ten years. Over the years, Patrick has amassed a total donation amount of €100,000. Copyright: Sascha Klahn

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star and ORLEN - the petrol stations of ORLEN Deutschland GmbH
ORLEN Deutschland GmbH was founded in March 2003. It is a 100% subsidiary of the Polish multi-energy corporation PKN ORLEN S.A. and part of the international ORLEN Group. The company currently operates nearly 600 star and ORLEN petrol stations on the German market. ORLEN Deutschland GmbH, based in Elmshorn, is one of the ten largest petrol station operators in Germany and has been the main sponsor of German handball record champion THW Kiel since 2016.

star and ORLEN petrol stations offer quality fuels as well as their own brand products at an attractive price-performance ratio. Customers also benefit from the B2B-fleet-card and receive additional services such as car washing and parcel services at many stations. Filling stations with 'star café' and 'stop.café' invite you to take breaks in a feel-good atmosphere and offer coffee specialities, a large selection of tasty meals and hot and cold snacks all day long.

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Media contact: 
ORLEN Deutschland GmbH 
Klaus-Peter Dittrich 
Manager Corporate Communications 
Tel.: +49- 4121-4750-1768 

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