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Every goal hits the mark for a good cause


star petrol stations join forces once again to donate 10,000 euros to a children's cancer charity
Elmshorn, 15 May 2017 – The joint donation campaign by star petrol stations and THW Kiel is taking place for the fifth time in this handball season: for every Bundesliga goal scored by THW Kiel pivot player Patrick Wiencek, star is making a donation of 100 euros to the Friends and Sponsors of Schleswig-Holstein University Medical Centre to support the children's cancer ward in Kiel. star Managing Director Wieslaw Milkiewicz handed the cheque over to the Medical Centre on Sunday in the Sparkassen Arena in Kiel.
The goals scored by star-sponsored player Patrick Wiencek are also doubly welcome during the current Bundesliga season 2016/2017: it's not only the THW fans in the arena who have reason to celebrate each time the 28-year-old pivot player scores, but also the little patients and the employees on the children's cancer ward at Schleswig-Holstein University Medical Centre.
"The player sponsorship at THW Kiel means a lot to us," explains Wieslaw Milkiewicz, Managing Director and Press Officer at petrol station brand star. "In this way, we combine our sponsorship commitment at Germany's most successful handball club with work for a particularly good cause. Thanks to our partner, Schleswig-Holstein University Medical Centre, we can also be certain that our donations make it directly to those who benefit most from them: the sick children. That is why we are happy to round up the amount to 10,000 euros again this season." In the five years that the player sponsorship has now been going on, this means that THW has brought in a total of 39,000 euros.
Last September, during their annual visit to Kiel's children's cancer ward, Patrick Wiencek and Wieslaw Milkiewicz were able to see the results of their commitment with their own eyes: the medical equipment to assist the mobility of the sick children, paid for by star petrol stations over the years, is now located in a separate equipment room. Thanks to the donation from the 2015/2016 season, a rowing machine and a treadmill have been added.
This year's presentation of the donation cheque took place during the half-time break of the THW Bundesliga home game against Füchse Berlin on 14 May in the Sparkassen Arena in Kiel. In the new 2017/2018 season, Wiencek will once again be seeking goals and raising donations along with star petrol stations. In 2016, the partnership between star and THW Kiel was extended for another three years.
star – a Strong Brand from ORLEN Deutschland GmbH
star is the petrol station brand of ORLEN Deutschland GmbH, which has been running over 570 filling stations in northern Germany since 2003. The company, which is based in Elmshorn near Hamburg, is part of the Polish oil and petrochemicals group PKN ORLEN SA, which is the largest enterprise in Central Eastern Europe, with an annual turnover of EUR 21 billion in 2015.
PKN ORLEN SA is listed in Warsaw and London and is represented on the petrol station market in Eastern and Central Europe with a total of 2,700 service stations in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Lithuania. In recent years, major investments have been made in Lithuania and the Czech Republic to bring the group a step closer to its goal of becoming the leading oil company in Central Europe.
ORLEN Deutschland GmbH
Wieslaw Milkiewicz, Managing Director and Press Officer
Telephone: +49 (0)4121 / 4750 - 1609,
Isabel Scherer / Team Leader Marketing & Corporate Communications
Telephone: +49 (0)4121 / 4750 – 1610,

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