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Der Startschuss für die Herbst-Camps 2016 und somit die erste Stufe im Förderkonzept THW-YOUNGstar ist gefallen.


Kiel, 21 October 2016. The autumn camps for 2016, and thus the first stage in the THW-YOUNGstar promotion programme, have started. Camp leaders and trainers are now on the lookout for particularly talented young handball players. In addition, applications can be submitted by sending a completed player profile, with a photo or video, to
Join now! - The application phase (stage 1):
Camps: Do you have what it takes to become a THW-YOUNGstar? With this motto, star petrol stations, THW Kiel and Handball-Camp are looking for young talent for Germany’s innovative handball programme in the recently started autumn camps. We are looking for young people, 10 to 15 years old, who are fired up for their favourite sport. They have the opportunity to play in 25 Germany-wide “Camps supported by star” until early November. Who will manage to draw the attention of the trainers at games as well as individual and team competitions? Six places each will be awarded for the subsequent daytime camps in Hamburg, Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia.
Online: Of course, all other handball-playing kids will have the chance to win a place in the daytime camps. The official platform is now online until 4 November. If you fill out a personal player profile and send in a handball action photo or a short video clip, you will take a step closer to your personal dream. Social media voting and a jury will decide on additional positions for the daytime camps.
The further selection process (stages 2-5):
In the second stage, a total of 48 selected talented children and youths will compete for a place in the weekend camp in Kiel: individual training and two exciting days up close with the record-setting German champion THW Kiel await the kids in the third stage. A short video produced by each participant, with subsequent social media voting, will decide on the “All-Star Seven” for stage four: the remaining talents will come together in a “star week of excellence” and experience first-hand what it means to live and train as a professional handballer. In the final phase, a jury will propose two participants for social media voting for the THW-YOUNGstar. The winner can look forward to a unique stipend up close with THW Kiel and to meeting with mentor players Andreas Wolff and Patrick Wiencek.
Handball-Camp founder Mannhard Bech is already looking forward to the first talents from the autumn camps and online registrations. “Together with our partners star and THW Kiel, we have put a lot of commitment and time into the THW-YOUNGstar programme over the past few months. I am therefore very happy that we have now been able to start the first stage,” said the experienced youth coach and trainer.
Wieslaw Milkiewicz, Managing Director and Press Officer of the petrol station brand, adds: “With the scouting at the handball camps and the online application, we have created the opportunity for passionate handball players to become part of a great talent programme. We hope all the kids have lots of fun taking part; we are keeping our fingers crossed that they have what it takes to become a THW-YOUNGstar!”
Thorsten Storm, Managing Director of THW Kiel, agrees: “If you want to make it to the finals, an exciting and varied training programme awaits you. At THW Kiel, we are happy to be able to accompany and support the participants in this way. I am sure the upcoming THW-YOUNGstar will learn a lot.”



star – a Strong Brand from ORLEN Deutschland GmbH
star is the petrol station brand of ORLEN Deutschland GmbH, which has been operating more than 570 petrol stations in the northern half of Germany since 2003. The company, based in Elmshorn near Hamburg, is part of the Polish mineral oil and petrochemical group PKN ORLEN SA, which is the largest Central Eastern European group, with an annual turnover of 21 billion euros in 2015.
PKN ORLEN SA is listed in Warsaw and London and is represented on the petrol station market in Eastern and Central Europe with a total of 2,700 service stations in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and Lithuania. In recent years, major investments have been made in Lithuania and the Czech Republic to bring the group a step closer to its goal of becoming the leading oil company in Central Europe.
ORLEN Deutschland GmbH
Wieslaw Milkiewicz, Managing Director and Press Officer
Telephone: +49 (0)4121 / 4750 - 1609,  
Andreas Khan / Head of Marketing & PR
Telephone: Telephone +49 (0)4121 / 4750 – 1618,
THW Kiel Handball-Bundesliga GmbH & Co. KG
THW Kiel is the most successful and best-known German handball team of the past two decades. The “Zebras” have won the German championship 20 times, more than any other team. The team from Kiel has also won the DHB Cup nine times, which is also a record. And no German team has won the European “top class”, the Champions League, more often than THW Kiel. The team from Kiel has triumphed three times in this most important sport club competition in the world. “Tradition lives through sport” is the motto of THW Kiel, which promotes and encourages talents through intensive work with youngsters. For the THW, for Kiel and for handball in Germany.
Christian Robohm / Press Officer
Telephone: +49 (0) 431/670 39-19,
Handball-Camp is a brand of CommEvent Management GmbH, based in Kiel. Founded in 2003, the agency is Europe’s largest provider of handball camps, with more than 5,000 participants per year in more than 200 locations. Skilled camp trainers and almost 20 permanent employees provide the planning, organisation and implementation of the events. Founder Mannhard Bech was a player at THW Kiel and the German handball national team. The 48-year-old also trains a team associated with THW Kiel in the 3rd league, TSV Altenholz.
CommEvent Management GmbH
Mannhard Bech / Managing Director
Telephone: +49 (0) 431 / 69670 – 20,  
Sebastian Zuther / Managing Director
Telephone: +49 (0) 431 / 69670 – 25,  

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