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ORLEN Deutschland management board is again complete

31-03-2017  | 

After a successful European petrochemical project in his native Poland, Michal Brylinski returns professionally to ORLEN Deutschland ... more »

Up close and personal with Wolff and Wiencek

28-02-2017  | 

For them it was the most exciting day of their young handball careers so far: Seven up-and-coming handball players trained ... more »

Handball kids train for their big dream with Andreas Wolff

18-01-2017  | 

​ Under the eyes of THW co-trainer Lommel, the seven best finalists for the THW-YOUNGstar will emerge in the handball metropolis ... more »

A saviour in need

13-12-2016  | 

Christmas time is travelling time: Petrol station shops ensure family peace and harmony on the road. On our way to visit ... more »

Der Startschuss für die Herbst-Camps 2016 und somit die erste Stufe im Förderkonzept THW-YOUNGstar ist gefallen.

01-11-2016  | 

The autumn camps for 2016, and thus the first stage in the THW-YOUNGstar promotion programme, have started. ... more »

Hand in hand for children with cancer

09-09-2016  | 

Sustainable commitment from star petrol stations and the THW Kiel success trio is creating mobility for young cancer patients ... more »